How to Relieve “Long COVID” Symptoms In A TCM Perspective

Lately, I’ve been seeing a number of patients in the clinic for “Long Covid” symptoms, and many more are asking if TCM can do anything to help combat it.

So to help everyone get through this difficult time, I’ve compiled a list of the common symptoms and what we can do at home to help relieve them.

Unfortunately once again, these symptoms are often dismissed by some medical professionals as “it’s just all in your head” when it’s something that is so real and so debilitating.

General food to avoid during Long Covid:

- Spicy, deep-fried, oily, and processed foods

- Cakes and pastries with lots of sugar

- Dairy such as milk, yogurt, cheese

- Alcohol

- Red meat or seafood

- Gluten that’s hard to digest

- Raw veggies and smoothies

- Icy cold foods and drinks

Food that is suitable during Long Covid:

+ Warm water

+ Cooked Fresh Vegetables

+ Lean meat

+ Mushroom

+ Soups and broth

+ Pear and snow fungus soup

+ No more than 1 fruit a day


Long Covid occurs when the virus has been left untreated and begins to penetrate deeper into the organs.

This can present differently for everyone.

So if the 3 types of Long Covid conditions are different from what you experience, or if you’d like to know more about how to relieve your symptoms, send me an E-mail or book an appointment with me by clicking book now.


Wu, Xi Vivien et al. “Traditional Chinese Medicine as a Complementary Therapy in Combat with COVID‐19—A Review of Evidence‐based Research and Clinical Practice.” Journal of advanced nursing 77.4 (2021): 1635–1644. Web.


Skin Hydrating Pear and Snow Fungus Dessert Soup for Autumn Dryness


How to Relieve COVID-19 Symptoms In A TCM Perspective