Lifestyle Advice

Acupuncture and herbal medicine aside, the backbone of your health and wellbeing is maintained through nutritious meals, suitable exercise, and awareness of your mental vitality.

There are thousands of superfoods, 10-minute exercise videos, and meditation techniques to choose from so it can be overwhelming. That’s why during our sessions, easy-to-follow and personalised advice is provided to help reduce the stress and difficulty in starting new lifestyle changes.

These include:

  • TCM Tea and recipe recommendations
    Introducing the beauty and wisdom of dietary herbs in delicious teas and dishes.

  • TCM and nutritional diet therapy
    Not all “healthy foods” are suitable for all body types. unpacking the best food groups and food properties for you.

  • Qi Gong exercise
    Exercise that can assist with the maintenance of specific organs

  • Meditation and breathing exercise

    Explore the most comfortable mindfulness acvitivty for you

    Not able to come in for a treatment?

    No problem, head over to my blog for some seasonal tips and recipes!

    I also have telehealth consultations available for those looking for a more in-depth and personalised plan.