Herbal Medicine

What is Herbal Medicine?

For over 3000 years, Chinese herbal medicine has been studied and applied as therapy and preventative measures for a wide range of conditions. It is comprised of a variety of natural ingredients such as flowers, roots, leaves, shells, and minerals. These herbs have therapeutic properties and can help to support acute and chronic ailments, health upkeep, rejuvenation, and detoxification when given in precise dosages.

When single herbs are combined into individually tailored prescriptions based on your condition and predispositions, it is able to target the symptoms whilst restoring the balance of your body systems.

As conditions change and improve, each prescription is customised and adjusted accordingly. It is important to return for subsequent visits according to your treatment plans directed by your practitioner until achieving the desired outcome.

How is it prepared?

Raw FormAs the name suggests, it is the purest form of herbal medicine. The raw form has the strongest therapeutic effect, and is used for acute and more severe conditions. The dried herbs are prepared and cooked on-site in a medical-grade machine t…

Raw Form

As the name suggests, it is the purest form of herbal medicine. The raw form has the strongest therapeutic effect, and is used for acute and more severe conditions.

The dried herbs are prepared and cooked on-site in a medical-grade machine to save you the trouble of cooking them for hours at home. (Feature coming soon)

Granule FormThe raw herbs have been granulated and concentrated into fine powders and dissolve like instant coffee. This reduces the harsh taste without compromising the therapeutic effect. Perfect for chronic conditions.The most popular form amongs…

Granule Form

The raw herbs have been granulated and concentrated into fine powders and dissolve like instant coffee.

This reduces the harsh taste without compromising the therapeutic effect. Perfect for chronic conditions.

The most popular form amongst the patients.

Pill FormSuitable for those that are sensitive to taste, the flavourless option with less potency.As this form is prepackaged with no room for modification, it is more suitable as an introductory form of herbal medicine, or for ongoing maintenance.

Pill Form

Suitable for those that are sensitive to taste, the flavourless option with less potency.

As this form is prepackaged with no room for modification, it is more suitable as an introductory form of herbal medicine, or for ongoing maintenance.

What can Herbal Medicine be used for?

Herbal medicine can assists with various conditions as well as enhancing the effect of acupuncture treatments.

These include:

  • Assistance in pain relief with acupuncture

  • Common digestive complaints such as reflux, indigestion, bloating, nausea

  • Constipation and diarrhea

  • Skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, hives

  • Relieves stress, anxiety and depression

  • Insomnia and poor sleep quality

  • Gynaecological conditions such as premenstrual symptoms, menstrual cramps and irregular menstrual cycles.

  • Impotence and prostate disorders

  • Disorders associated with menopause

  • Cold and flu symptoms such as chesty cough, headache, body aches, fever, post-nasal drips etc

  • Menopausal symptoms

  • Management of chronic fatigue

How is the quality control of herbal medicine?

Nowadays, the use and regulation of herbal medicine is very strict and undergoes rigorous tests before it is dried, manufactured or processed into powder and pills. In Australia, herbal medicine is also quality controlled and TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) approved to ensure the quality and purity for safe consumption.

*Herbal medicine should always be prescribed by a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner (AHPRA) as they are fully qualified to accurately use and dispense herbs.