Navel Acupuncture

To understand navel acupuncture we have to first understand that it is a form of I-Ching medicine.

What is I-Ching 易经?

Think of it as an ancient form of DNA. Formulated by your birth chart and outlines the predispositions, deficiencies, and excessive conditions in the body.

The Yellow emperor's classic of internal medicine highlights that humans are a part of nature. Everyone on earth has a deep connection with weather, minerals, and organisms. I-Ching is derived by observing the patterns of interaction of nature and organisms that stem from yin yang, 5 elements and 8 hexagrams.

Navel acupuncture is a holistic approach using fundamentals of yin yang, 5 Elements, 8 hexagrams and I-Ching to help diagnose and treat an extensive list of conditions.

Each position of the outer layer of the belly button has channels that direct towards each organ in order to help treat conditions associated with those organs.

As the needle is inserted into the superficial fat and muscle layer, away from the belly button, it is a much less painful option than standard acupuncture. And is often described by patients as resulting in a sense of serenity.