5 Step Belly Massage to Help Regulate Bowel Movements and Relieve Constipation


In the Southern hemisphere, we have reached the beginning of Spring.

In I-Ching and TCM terms, we are at the beginning of the Liver season and the month of Large Intestine.

This is when both of these organs need some extra care and love.
We need to look after the two seemingly unrelated organs because if your bowels are not moving, then it is difficult to excrete toxins from your Liver.

This could show up as symptoms such as constipation, irritable bowel, headaches, and hay fever.

This belly massage can stimulate acupressure points that help to wake up the abdomen to aid digestion, as well as promoting movements of the intestines to stimulate peristalsis.

This is a simple and quick 5 step belly massage that can be self-administered any time anywhere and can provide you with a digestive boost if it is practiced daily.

Let’s dive into it

Step 1 -

Find the meeting point between your ribs with your finger and massage in an anticlockwise motion down the midline of the abdomen all the way down to the pubic bone. Repeating 16 times in every position.


This is activating the acupressure points to help to wake and warm up the abdomen to aid digestion.

Step 2 -

From the pubic bone massage upwards around the outer edge of the abdomen meeting at the top. Again massaging in an anticlockwise motion, 16 times in each position.


Liver metabolises toxins through bowel movements, so in order for our liver to be more relaxed and flowing freely this spring, we need to help move our intestines.

Step 3 -

Using your thumb, push downwards along the midline of the abdomen towards pubic bone. Repeating this action 16 times.


Massaging down the midline of the belly where points are used to descend stomach acid and warming up the abdomen and middle energiser in aid for digestion

Step 4 -

With one hand, cup the side of your waist, and the other finding the midpoint between the belly button and the side of the waist. Using both thumbs to push downwards 16 times. 

Repeating it 16 times on the other side of the abdomen. 


This action is is activating both the stomach and spleen channels on the abdomen. 
Spleen and stomach are earth element digestive organs and their acupressure points can help stimulate the movement of the intestines promoting peristalsis. 

Step 5 -

Using your entire palm, massaging anticlockwise around the whole abdomen for 16 times, Repeat clockwise.


…and that concludes the massage!

* The massage is performed in an anticlockwise motion because it is used to help with removing the stagnation help with movement.

Feel free to contact me for more tailored TCM remedies designed just for you.


Deadman, Peter. A Manual of Acupuncture. v.1.2. ed. East Sussex: Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2009. Print.


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